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array of antennaの例文


  • It has an array of antennas running N-S and E-W, and produced a fan beam in the sky.
  • The project consists of two arrays of antenna, one in West Virginia and the other in South Africa.
  • An RAF signals facility was retained on the former airfield site, with a large array of antennas ( part of UK STCICS ).
  • These receiving stations use large arrays of antennas as an interferometer to determine the angle and angle rates of arrival from the reflected signals.
  • Koch's America3 ( America Cubed ) syndicate, which spent $ 2 million on spying alone, was best known for having a powerboat named Guzzini, its windows darkened and an array of antennas sticking out.
  • With narrow-band systems the time delay is equivalent to a " phase shift ", so in this case the array of antennas, each one shifted a slightly different amount, is called a phased array.
  • The angle of arrival ( AOA ) at a receiving station can be determined by the use of a directional antenna, or by differential time of arrival at an array of antennas with known location.
  • At least to a certain extent, an array of antennas the auroral research program has under construction near Gakona, Alaska, some 300 miles from the liquid-mirror telescope, has already demonstrated that the system could work.
  • For especially vital missions, like Voyager 2, the Canberra dish can be arrayed with the Parkes Radio Telescope in Australia; and the Goldstone 70-meter dish can be arrayed with the Very Large Array of antennas in New Mexico.
  • On the afternoon of April 17, 1994, twenty white vans with odd arrays of antennas and instruments sprouting from their roofs were speeding along a highway near Corrum, Okla ., each a few hundred yards from the next.
  • MILA's arrays of antennas provided various communications and data services between spacecraft and NASA centers, as well as tracked and ranged moving spacecraft . Though it occupied land at KSC, MILA was operated and managed by the Goddard Space Flight Center.
  • As wireless telephone companies serving the region battle for best-coverage boasting rights and try to reduce customer gripes about scratchy and dropped calls, Giordano pilots one of Bell Atlantic Mobile's key weapons : a Ford Taurus station wagon outfitted with $ 250, 000 worth of electronics and a porcupine-quill array of antennas on the roof.